Friday, January 23, 2009

Unless It Kick-- Okkervil River

Setting: my desk
Song: If I Were A Boy, Beyonce

Have you ever had those people who you just want to be friends with? I'm sure I've already told you this, because I don't keep it a secret. My good friend, Kevin, has a good friend here. Mike and Kevin are very similar which makes me really want to hang out with him! However, every time we are close to hanging out, one of us freaks and doesn't want to take the initiative. 

That gets me thinking... are there people out there who just want to be my friend? And what is holding them back from initiating a friendship with me? I know I do this with a lot of people. There is a kid that we played a pick-up game of basketball with and we were very good together. I haven't seen him since, but I really want to be his friend. Sometimes I'll see someone on the street with a cool pair of pants, right away I want to know the person. It's not limited to good at basketball and a cool pair of pants. A certain way people walk, or the way someone is listening to music while walking to class, what someone contributes in class, a work out someone is doing at the gym...all these things interest me! And because I recognize it, why do I not act on it? 

Is it weird just to strike up a conversation? I love when people do that with me but for some reason I am not the best at initiating a conversation with a stranger. I really enjoy it when people do it to me but I get worried that the person I try to talk to will not find it as enjoying or interesting. 

So how many people that I pass on the street wish they were my friend? Why can friendliness come off as bold? Maybe we are all afraid that our friendship will be denied. If that is the worst thing that can happen then I think it is worth the risk. When the person is still a stranger, it still isn't like you are losing a friend. So maybe if we all weren't afraid of friendliness our lives would be much different. Maybe it would lead us to take greater risks than just talking to a stranger. 

I guess my new goal will to be throw myself out there a little more. I'm figuring if I feel this way almost everyone else does as well.

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